Sawang Ba’U Fishing Port, Aceh Selatan


Sawang Ba’U Fishing Port, Aceh Selatan

Property Description

Sawang Ba’u is the center of fish catch production in South Aceh, with a total of 1,604 fishermen and 132 fishing vessels. There are 60 10 GT vessels, and 78 non-motorized vessels. The fishing gear used is purse saine net and the main catches are skipjack and tuna. On a port area of 1.5 hectares and will be developed again in the future, the potential for fisheries in Sawang Ba’u is very promising; local governments are expected to provide the necessary facilities to encourage the private sector to invest in the construction of fish processing plants.

Market Opportunity

The fishery business in Sawang Ba’u is highly promising; the local governments are expected to provide the necessary facilities to encourage the private sector to invest in the construction of fish processing plants. The following are potential investments that can be developed at the Sawang Ba’u Fishing Port: 1. Ice block factory with a capacity of 10 tons/day 2. Fuel station for fishing boats 3. Cold Storage 4. Docking facilities

Financial Estimation

Total Estimate:

Quick Summary

Land Area : 1,5
Land Status : Local Government of Aceh Selatan
Investment Schema : BOT (Built Operation Transfer)
Water : Available
Power : Available
Gas : Available
Road Access : Paved (Asphalted)
Port Access : 267 KM
Airport Access : 162 KM
Toll Access : KM
Others :
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